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1975-76 Cruise Book Cover
Provided by Dave "Sparrowhawk" Foley
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1977 Cruise Book Provided by Rue West Jr.

 Indy Reunion Association
Denis Bagley President (click here for info)
 Ship's Store Indy Reunion Association
(click here)
 USS Independence Club on Yahoo
Hosted by: Earl Langley
Michael Couture
 USS Independence
CVL-22 Reunion Group
CVS32 * CV32
U.S.S. LEYTE *************

Patches Provided by Dave "Sparrowhawk" Foley
For their help in developing these Ship's Co. Pages
Leigh D. Allvord M Div. * 1958-1960
Richard E. Binder S3 Div. * 1974-1975
Dave "Sparrowhawk" Foley V0 Div. * 1980-1983
John L. Hedinger RVAH-1 * 1964-1967 OZ Div. * 1970-1974
Stanley Richardson RVAH-12 * 1971
Cruise Books
These Cruise Books have been donated to the
Independence Memorial Library for use in developing this site
1965 WestPac Cruise John L. Hedinger
1966 / 1967 Med Cruise John L. Hedinger
1974 / 1975 Med Cruise Richard E. Binder
Special Thanks Also To Michael Craven A Div. 62-65
For Upgrading My Old 486/66 To A HP 200
Maybe know I can Start To Put A Dent In My
Back Log Of Names. So That I Will No
Longer Need The Apology Below.
My Apologies
To those who have Sent their names and additional
information that I have not added yet.
The project has become very large and even though I
work on it almost every day, it is impossible for me to keep up.
I will continue to add the names and information as
quickly as I can.Thank You All For Your Support
George W. Fetherman AN V1 - Rep 8, 1958 - 1960
To Contact Me
Anyone out there with information on any of my subject matter, feel free to
send me additions and / or corrections.
If you've ever been stationed aboard the "Indy"
Ships Company, Air Group or Marine Detachment
Let me know when you were aboard so I can add you to
"Ships Company / Air Group / Marine Detachment Pages".

This Page Updated 01/12/03 gwf |
1st. Division 1976 - 1977 U.S.S. INDEPENDENCE
"Let go the Port Anchor. . . . ." ". . . . Say What?"
"I said let go the Port Anchor. . . ." ". . . . Oh, let go the Port Anchor."
. . . a second passes and then the sound of
the "C" Note is heard over the 1 MC. . .
That's the conversation you would hear
between the Bridge and Foc'sle if you were
plugged into the JA sound powered phone
circuit during Sea and Anchor Detail. The
man on the Bridge passing the word to the
men of First Division to drop one of the
two 30 ton anchors as we pull into port.
Letting go and weighing anchor are main
tasks of First Division but they have other
responsibilities. Manning stations I and
IA for replenishment and refueling, and
handling the the equipment maintenance
and general upkeep of dozens of spaces
around the ship are just part of their overall
job. At sea and in port there are four hour
Bridge Watches with a Boatswain's Mate
of the Watch, Helmsman, Messenger and
I JV phone talker on duty from the Deck Department.
************* ENLISTED *************
Name |
Rate |
Photo |
Comments |
Fred C. Williams BM2 1977 - 1978 |
1st., MA, 5th.
Looking for a friend I served with. BM2 Floyd C. Jones. |
************* OFFICERS *************
Name |
Rank |
Photo |
Comments |