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Plan Of The Day

Welcome Aboard

The Declaration of the INDEPENDENCE
Cruise Book Covers Click here

1973-74 Med Cruise
Provided by Dave Foley "Sparrowhawk"
Cruise Book Covers Click here

1974-75 Med Cruise
Provided by Richard Binder
Cruise Book Covers Click here

1975-76 Cruise
Provided by Dave Foley "Sparrowhawk"

 Indy Reunion Association
Denis Bagley President (click here for info)
 Ship's Store Indy Reunion Association
(click here)
 USS Independence Club on Yahoo
Hosted by: Earl Langley
N * V * R

To be disposed of, type of disposal not known.
Status Date 08 March 2004
 Shipmate Links
 USS Independence
CVL-22 Reunion Group
 USS Independence
LCS-2 Under Construction
CVS32 * CV32
Al Seguin

Navy News

Hull Number
For their help in developing these Ship's Co. Pages
Leigh D. Allvord M Div. * 1958-1960
Richard E. Binder S3 Div. * 1974-1975
Michael Craven A Div. 1962-1965
Dave Foley "Sparrowhawk" V0 Div. * 1980-1983
Earl D. Galloway V1 Div. * 1960 - 1963
John L. Hedinger RVAH-1 * 1964-1967 OZ Div. * 1970 - 1974
Harry B. Kidd OP Div. 1969 - 1970
Pat Little V2 Div. 1967 - 1971 OX Div. 1984 / 1985
Ron Phillips CR Div. * 1977 - 1980
Stanley Richardson RVAH-12 * 1971
Bill Sullens V1 Div. * 1959 - 1963
Steve D. West A Div. * 1976 - 1978
Cruise Books
These Cruise Books have been donated to the
Independence Memorial Library for use in developing this site
1959 Shake Down Dave Foley "Sparrow Hawk" VO Division
1961 Med Cruise Charles D. Arnold OE Division
1965 WestPac Cruise John L. Hedinger RVAH-1
1966 / 1967 Med Cruise John L. Hedinger RVAH-1
1971 / 1972 Med Cruise John Zieba VAW-122
1974 / 1975 Med Cruise Richard E. Binder S-3 Division
1977 Med Cruise Steve D. West A Division
Special Thanks Also To
Ron Phillips CR Div. * 1977 - 1980
For Upgrading My Old
Computer by Donating a
Dell Dimension 8100
Running XP professional
My Apologies
To those who have sent
their names and additional
information, that I have
not yet added.
This project has become
very large and though I
work on it almost every
day, it is impossible
for me to keep up.
I will continue to add the
names and information as
quickly as I can.
Thank You All For Your Support
George Fetherman AN
V1 blue shirt then
Rep 8 red shirt
& hot suit man
1958 - 1960
 Dave Foley
Anyone out there with information
on any of my subject matter,
feel free to send me
additions and / or corrections.
To Contact Me

If you've ever been stationed aboard the "Indy"
Ships Company, Air Group or Marine Detachment
Let me know when you were
aboard so I can add you to
"Ships Company / Air Group /
Marine Detachment Pages".
 This Page Updated 08.10.08 gwf |
B Division 1974 - 1975
U.S.S. INDEPENDENCE CVA-62 Engineering Department

"Jeepers, who cut off the water . . . and just after I got all lathered up."
If you have ever been caught in that situation,the
grim thoughts you were having were probably
directed at B Division, the operators of the ship's
fresh water pumps. Thankfully the hard working
men of B Division make sure that abrupt fresh
water interruptions are infrequent.
The primary job of B Division is operating and
maintaining the boilers that provide steam for
propulsion, catapults and hotel services.
These boilers consume more fuel than all the
aircraft, boats and auxiliary equipment combined.
The nearly 130 men in this division are divided
into four basic areas: The main machinery rooms,
the oil and water test laboratory, the ACC shop
and boiler repair shop, and represent the BT and BR ratings.
************* ENLISTED *************
Name |
Rate |
Photo |
Comments |
D. Accoo BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
J. Beyer BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D Blankenship BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
G. Brinken BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
O. Canard BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. Cooper BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
G. Darville BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
M. Edwards BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
T. Fergusor BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
B. Gaughan BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
A. Hartman BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D. Hoksch BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
H. Hughes BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. Jacques BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
W. Jonhson BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
H. Kline BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
Phillip J. Kramarchyk FA Mar 1974 - Sep 1977 |
#2 Main Machinery Room |
E. Lawrence BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
G. Lockwood BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
E. Martin BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
B. McKinney BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
B. Meyer FA |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
L. Morales FA |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
S. Obertal BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
Michael V. Paccione FA "Pash" 1974 - 1975 |
I am in the first picture at the top.
I am the one with the headphones on
while taking off the fuel line. |
G. Patterson BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
E. Permenter BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
G. Phelps BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
F. Pundt BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
S. Robidou FA |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
K. Schneider FA |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
A. Serio BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. Smith BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
M. Tolbert BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D. Williams BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D. Wilson BTFA |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |

1974 / 1975 Cruise Book Photo - Provided by Richard E. Binder * S-3 Division
Name |
Rate |
Photo |
Comments |
J. Allison BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
Roger D. Anderson BTFN 1974 - 1976 |

The Indy was my first SHIP
and teacher of what it was like in the hole. |
J. Ashworth BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. Barravecchio FN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
Joel Bazey BTFN 1974 - 1975 |

* |
J. Benjo FN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
B. Booker BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
J. Brown FN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. Breeden BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
J. Cettin BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
W. Chybinski BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. Crusan FN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
W. Darcy FN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
A. Day BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D. Deal FN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
Raymond Delgado FN 1972 - 1975 |
* |
J. Fletman FN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
C. Fluharty BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. Franklin FN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
P. Fredrickson BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
T. Frey BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
T. Gilliam FN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
James E. Gonzales BTFN Jun 1972 - Mar 1976 |

* |
T. Goynes BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
C. Hightower FN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D. Holland FN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
M. Imhoff BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D. Kinsey BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
E. Knight FN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
J. Kovarch BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D. Krizmanich BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
S. Larrabee FN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. Lucas FN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
Robert McKnight BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
John McRae FN 1973 - 1975 |
* |
R. Mohr FN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. Murdock BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D. Orner BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
H. Pachana BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
Dan Penn BTFN Feb 1974 - Sep 1977 |

* |
W. Reed BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
C. Roninson BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
L. Sawyer FN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
E. Schmidt FN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
J. Sloan BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
E. Trout BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
P. Wicks BTFN |

74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D. Bellows BT3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
Bruce A. Calhoun BT3 1972 - 1974 |
2 MMR |
D.Dahm MM3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
J. Dunaway BT3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D. Edens BT3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
James M. Frantz BT3 3 Jan 1973 - 15 Sep 1976 |
2 MMR |
S. French BT3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D. Guill BT3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
T. Kearney BT3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
Stanley Keith BT3 17 Nov 1972 - 22 Jun 1976 |
* |
D. Mann BT3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
S. McAhren BT3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. McElhaney BT3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
S. Orahoske BT3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
Jeff Perkins BT3 1972 - 1974 |
After 2 years onboard Indy, got a swap to the Ranger CV-61 |
David G. Porter BT3 1972 - 1975 |
* |
W. Rascher BT3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
Robert K. Rice BT3 1971 - 1975 |
1 MMR |
J. Robinson BT3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
E. Roe BT3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
T. Rooks BT3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
Ray "Eddie" Sanders BT3 May 1975 - May 1980 |
* |
Tom Tiernan BT3 Sep 1975 - Feb 1979 |
* |
C. Tucker BT3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D. Wilson BT3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
L. Wojtas BT3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
James Vehlewald BT3 aka: V-wall 1975 - 1979 |
Oil Lab Would be glad to hear from
any of my old shipmates. |
Jim Gant Jr. BT2 1975 - 1979 |
* |
Carl M. Werner BT2 1971 - 1974 |
I am very glad and proud that I had the
chance to serve in the Navy and onboard the "INDY" |
R. Archer BT1 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D. Bailey BT1 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. Battee BT1 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
J. Campbell BT1 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
C. Clayton BT1 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
A. Dyson BT1 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
W. Engle BT1 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
J. FlemingBT1 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
W. Johnson BT1 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
J. Owen BT1 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
W. Twitty BT1 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
J. Wiggins BT1 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
C. Bradford BTC |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
A. Cummings BTC |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
M. Moore BTC |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
F. Prisock BRC |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
G. Martin BTCS |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
************* OFFICERS *************
Name |
Rank |
Photo |
Comments |
ENS. S. Sherman Division Officer |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
Lcdr B. Faust |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
CWO2 D. LaChance |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
B Division