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1979 20th. Anniversary Cruise Book Cover
Provided by Dave Foley "Sparrowhawk"

 Indy Reunion Association
Denis Bagley President (click here for info)
 Ship's Store Indy Reunion Association
(click here)
 USS Independence Club on Yahoo
Hosted by: Earl Langley
N * V * R

To be disposed of, type of disposal not known.
Status Date 08 March 2004
 Shipmate Links
 USS Independence
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 USS Independence
LCS-2 Under Construction
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Al Seguin

Navy News

Hull Number
For their help in developing these Ship's Co. Pages
Leigh D. Allvord M Div. * 1958-1960
Richard E. Binder S3 Div. * 1974-1975
Michael Craven A Div. 1962-1965
Dave Foley "Sparrowhawk" V0 Div. * 1980-1983
Earl D. Galloway V1 Div. * 1960 - 1963
John L. Hedinger RVAH-1 * 1964-1967 OZ Div. * 1970 - 1974
Harry B. Kidd OP Div. 1969 - 1970
Pat Little V2 Div. 1967 - 1971 OX Div. 1984 / 1985
Ron Phillips CR Div. * 1977 - 1980
Stanley Richardson RVAH-12 * 1971
Bill Sullens V1 Div. * 1959 - 1963
Steve D. West A Div. * 1976 - 1978
Cruise Books
These Cruise Books have been donated to the
Independence Memorial Library for use in developing this site
1959 Shake Down Dave Foley "Sparrow Hawk" VO Division
1961 Med Cruise Charles D. Arnold OE Division
1965 WestPac Cruise John L. Hedinger RVAH-1
1966 / 1967 Med Cruise John L. Hedinger RVAH-1
1971 / 1972 Med Cruise John Zieba VAW-122
1974 / 1975 Med Cruise Richard E. Binder S-3 Division
1977 Med Cruise Steve D. West A Division
Special Thanks Also To
Ron Phillips CR Div. * 1977 - 1980
For Upgrading My Old
Computer by Donating a
Dell Dimension 8100
Running XP professional
My Apologies
To those who have sent
their names and additional
information, that I have
not yet added.
This project has become
very large and though I
work on it almost every
day, it is impossible
for me to keep up.
I will continue to add the
names and information as
quickly as I can.
Thank You All For Your Support
George Fetherman AN
V1 blue shirt then
Rep 8 red shirt
& hot suit man
1958 - 1960
 Dave Foley
Anyone out there with information
on any of my subject matter,
feel free to send me
additions and / or corrections.
To Contact Me

If you've ever been stationed aboard the "Indy"
Ships Company, Air Group or Marine Detachment
Let me know when you were
aboard so I can add you to
"Ships Company / Air Group /
Marine Detachment Pages".
 This Page Updated 06.19.08 gwf |
Air Department
"...flight deck drag racers in yellow gear..."
V-1 Division has the vital task of handling aircraft on the flight deck.
Following recovery, aircraft must be spotted for refueling and Maintenance.
The blue shirts and yellow shirts of V-1 are continually respotting aircraft
in preparation for the next launch / recovery cycle. After launching, V-1
men must make a "ready deck" to clear for landing and another recovery evolution.
Maintaining a close vigil on all of these operations are the red shirts of the crash
and salvage crew (aka: repair 8) who must respond instantly to any emergency.
Another part of V-1's job is the operation of "Tilly" the flight deck crane,
capable of lifting any aircraft on the ship.
The teamwork and safety awareness of the men of V-1 to work amid the roar
of the flight deck is all part of getting the job done without a "crunch".
************* ENLISTED *************
Name |
Rate |
Photo |
Comments |
Kerry R. Stevenson AR
Late 1979 - Early 1980 |
Met ship in Genoa, Italy.
Was TAD to Re-Hab group when back at Portsmouth Yards for re-fit.
Met many good and great people. Looking for
Patrick J. Liston from Las Vegas.
Richard Smith from Pennsylvania. |
Austin AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Bryant AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Burks AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Digple AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Downie AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Edwards AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Fernandez AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Fort AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Gonzales AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Hennandez AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Hettic AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Ickes SA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Kopp AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Leblanc AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Linzmaier AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Malloy AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
McMurry AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Mideke AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Miller AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Nogue AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Pelter AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Robertson AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Ruiz AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Samlal AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Soto AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Stasik AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Strausbach AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Woolarb ABHAA |

1979 Cruise Book |
Wood AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
York AA |
1979 Cruise Book |
Allen AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Ashby ABHAN |

1979 Cruise Book |
Bilski AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Bjornson AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Brandt AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Brenton AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Brown ABHAN |

1979 Cruise Book |
Campbell AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Caracciolo ABHAN |

1979 Cruise Book |
Couch AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Clemens SN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Gary M. Delisle AN 10 Dec 1978 - 1982 |
Started in Fly 3 Blue. Progressed through Tk, Yellow, Fly PO, and Eo. Then went through all the flys. C&S was already filled. Made three cruises with the Indy,
and five great years. Went back on her in
Philedelphia shipyards in '86 to '89 Got
off before they left for the west coast.
Just wasn't in the cards. I retired from
the Navy and I miss it. There's alot I
forgot, but never the time I spent
on the Indy |
Dreher AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Errington ABHAN |

1979 Cruise Book |
Fenner ABHAN |

1979 Cruise Book |
Allan Gledhill ABHAN Jun 1976 - Feb 1979 |

Sure do miss the old girl.
Had a great tour of duty. |
Hagstrom AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Hammins ABHAN |

1979 Cruise Book |
James M. Harpine ABHAN 1977 - 1980 |

* |
Harris AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Hartman ABHAN |

1979 Cruise Book |
Hendricks AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Hodges AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Jones AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Craig Kaup AN Jul 1977 - Apr 1980 |
* |
Lastrella AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Leonhardt AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Lofgren AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Mancini ABHAN |

1979 Cruise Book |
Olme AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Opina AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Louis Otano AN Jan 1978 - Jan 1979 |
* |
Perry AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Pestana AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Pierce G. AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Pollard AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Poltiske AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Quintana ABHAN |

1979 Cruise Book |
Recio AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Rice AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Sanders AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Sosnowske AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
David W. Strong AN Nov 1979 - May 1980 |
Flight Deck Blueshirt, Fly 3
Was TAD to Indy while awaiting trade school. Will always remember
the people and experiences. |
Sutton AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Taylor ABHAN |

1979 Cruise Book |
Thomas AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Vlahantonis AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Washington AN |
1979 Cruise Book |
Bleyer ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Cary ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Kip R. Cerciello ABH3
Jan 1977 - 3 Jul 1980 |
would like to get in
touch with old shipmates. |
Craig ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Doukas ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Elmore ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Golden ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Hauser ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Henson ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Johnson ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Martin ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Morgan ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Muir ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Kevin D. Pierce ABH3 "Bear" Oct 1977 - Aug 1981 |
Yellow Shirt Director on Fly 3
Then Crash Crew |
Perkins ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Peters ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Santorella ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Severson ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Torres ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Tyndall ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Utley ABH3 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Land ABH2 |
1979 Cruise Book |
McElheny ABH2 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Prez ABH2 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Trevino ABH2 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Bryan E. (Pete) Weaver ABH2 Jan 1976 - Jun 1979 |
* |
Brown ABH1 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Cattles ABH1 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Cohagan ABH1 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Odom ABH1 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Robinson ABH1 |
1979 Cruise Book |
Hale ABHC |
1979 Cruise Book |
Shaffer ABHC |
1979 Cruise Book |
************* OFFICERS *************
Name |
Rank |
Photo |
Comments |
LCDR Roach |
1979 Cruise Book |
LT Shea |
1979 Cruise Book |
CWO3 Tierce |
1979 Cruise Book |