Following recovery, aircraft must be spotted for refueling and Maintenance.
Maintaining a close vigil on all of these operations are the red shirts of the crash
and salvage crew (aka: repair 8) who must respond instantly to any emergency.
************* ENLISTED *************
Name |
Rate |
Photo |
Comments |
J. Carter AR |
1982 Cruise Book |
G. Chacon AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
G. Conway AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
D. Erickson AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
D. Fett AR |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
D. Fleming AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
R. Gleaton AR |
1982 Cruise Book |
K. Hess AR |
1982 Cruise Book |
M. Jack AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
D. Jayne AR |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
R. Kempfer AR |
1982 Cruise Book |
S. Melain AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
R. Beechum AA |
1982 Cruise Book |
K. Christman AA |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
G. Clark AA |
1982 Cruise Book |
J. Crandall AA |
1982 Cruise Book |
K. Crowe AA |
1982 Cruise Book |
J. Fields AA |
1982 Cruise Book |
E. Figueroa ABHAA |

1983-84 Cruise Book |
R. Frazier AA |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
A. Gregory AA |
1982 Cruise Book |
B. Hatmaker AA |
1982 Cruise Book |
R. Heauser AA |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
S. Hill ABHAA |

1983-84 Cruise Book |
L. Holt AA |
1982 Cruise Book |
T. Iverson AA |
1982 Cruise Book |
S. Kent AA |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
R. Kruzinski AA |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
J. Link AA |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
K. Martin AA |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
K.R. McCourt AA |
1982 Cruise Book |
T. Payton ABHAA |

1983-84 Cruise Book |
R. Rhoads ABHAA |

1982 Cruise Book |
P. Smith AA |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
D. Snell AA |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
Darrell Spencer AA 1983 - 1986 |
I started as a Blue shirt in Fly 3 and
went to director. I still keep in contact
with a couple of the guys and would love
to hear from other shipmates |
M. Taylor AA |
1982 Cruise Book |
J. Testerman ABHAA |

1982 Cruise Book |
J. Ambrose AN |
1982 Cruise Book |
P. Bogart AN |
1982 & 83-844 Cruise Book |
R. Bollinger AN |
1982 Cruise Book |
M. Callahan ABHAN |

1982 Cruise Book |
Charles Cleary AN Jan 1981 - Apr 1983 |
* |
E. Cruz AN |
1982 Cruise Book |
Gary M. Delisle AN 10 Dec 1978 - 1982 |
Started in Fly 3 Blue. Progressed through Tk, Yellow, Fly PO, and Eo. Then went through all the flys. C&S was already filled. Made three cruises with the Indy,
and five great years. Went back on her in
Philedelphia shipyards in '86 to '89 Got
off before they left for the west coast.
Just wasn't in the cards. I retired from
the Navy and I miss it. There's alot I
forgot, but never the time I spent
on the Indy |
S. Dibiase AN |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
J. Floyd AN |
1982 Cruise Book |
D. Flynn AN |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
W. Flynt AN |
1982 Cruise Book |
R. Francis AN |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
T. Garroutte AN |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
T. Gerace AN |
1982 Cruise Book |
E. Haderman AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
E. Hayes AN |
1982 Cruise Book |
W. Hilliment AN |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
J. Jennings AN |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
D. Jordan ABHAN |

1982 Cruise Book |
J. Kelly AN |
1982 Cruise Book |
J. Kons AN |
1982 Cruise Book |
D. Krutzig AN |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
W. Mathewson AN |
1982 Cruise Book |
Thomas J. Mueller AN 1980 - 1984 |
July 1984, Reenlisted For Shore
Duty at NAS Miramar, San Diego. |
John C. Nouse AN 1980 - 1984 |
* |
Tony Ortiz ASEAN 1981 - 1984 |

R.A. Reed AMSAN |

1982 Cruise Book |
Roger Rhoads ABHAN 1981 - 1985 td>
We had a lot of fun considering
what we had to do. Worked hard and played hard when we got
the chance. |
F.S. Schriber AN |
1982 Cruise Book |
L. Schulman AN |
1982 Cruise Book |
K. Vandyke AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
R. Walker AN |
1982 Cruise Book |
R.J. Washington AN |
1982 Cruise Book |
S. Williams AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
J. Wolf AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
C. Armwood ABH3 |
1982 &83-84 Cruise Book |
M. Banks ABH3 |
1982 Cruise Book |
V. Brennecka ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
J. Buckles AK3 |
1982 Cruise Book |
S. Butler ABH3 |
1982 Cruise Book |
J. Bullion ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
D. Caretop ABH3 |
1982 Cruise Book |
G. Carpenter ABH3 |
1982 Cruise Book |
Jeffrey H. Carter ABH3 1981 - 1983 |
Was onboard when she saw
action in Granada and Beruit. |
Fred Chapman ABH3 Jan 1981 - Oct 1984 |
* |
A. Dibella ABH3 |
1982 Cruise Book |
L. Didley ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
Randy Francis ABH3 1980 - 1984 |
A Great Ship. |
R. Gallardo ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
C. Haines ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
C. Hawthorne ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
R. Hiller ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
T. Jones ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
J. Lambert ABH3 |
1982 Cruise Book |
David L. Laughner ABH3 1981 - 1985 |
D. Middleton ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
J.R. Mideke ABH3 |
1982 Cruise Book |
D.B. Robertson ABH3 |
1982 Cruise Book |
R. Robertson ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
Leslie Alan Rowe ABH3 (BuddyRowe)
Dec 1981 - Aug 1985 |
Yellow shirt on the flight deck.
One of the Fly 3 Dudes. Greatest time of my life! |
K.A. Savage ABH3 |
1982 Cruise Book |
T.L. Sexton ABH3 |
1982 Cruise Book |
E. Squire ABH3 |
1982 Cruise Book |
S. Timmons YN3 |
1982 Cruise Book |
T.J. Toomer YN3 |
1982 Cruise Book |
R.A. Wanhoff ABH3 |
1982 Cruise Book |
S. Williams ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
Steven L. Zenor ABHAR to ABH3
1980 - 1984 |
What a GREAT ship and a
Really Competent Crew! |
J. Cook ABH2 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
R. Davis ABH2 |
1982 Cruise Book |
W. Davis ABH2 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
W. Gibson ABH2 |
1982 &83-84 Cruise Book |
R. Jimenez ABH2 |
1982 Cruise Book |
W.J. Nelson ABH2 |
1982 Cruise Book |
Scott Pitts ABH2 1981 - 1983 |
AR - ABH2 |
R. Reed ABH2 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
J. Richards ABH2 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
E.A. Roy ABH2 |
1982 Cruise Book |
Paul S. Tarzwell ABH2 Aug 1980 - Jul 1982
Jan 1988 - May 1988 |
Served as DS1 on second tour
at the end of SLEP in Philly. |
M.C. Bellman ABH1 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
E. Blackshear ABH1 |
1982 Cruise Book |
D. Burnett ABH1 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
A. Caldon ABH1 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
C.M. Coleman ABH1 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
E. Ehlers ABH1 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
R. Griffith ABH1 |
1982 Cruise Book |
J. Stokes ABH1 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
Floyd C. Van Houter ABH1 1980 - 1982 |
She was a grand old ship.
I made many friends during my stay. |
B. Whiteside ABH1 |
1982 Cruise Book |
V. Woodruff ABH1 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
R.A. Boucher ABHC |
1982 Cruise Book |
M. Edmonds ABHC |
1982 Cruise Book |
L.G. Engle ABHC |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
J.R. Gray ABHC |
1982 Cruise Book |
A. Welsh ABHC |
1983-84 Cruise Book |