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1983-84 Silver Anniversary Cruise Book Cover
Provided by Dave Foley "Sparrowhawk"
Cruise Book Covers Click here

1984-85 Cruise Book Cover
Provided by Dave Foley "Sparrowhawk"
Cruise Book Covers Click here

 Indy Reunion Association
Denis Bagley President (click here for info)
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Hosted by: Earl Langley
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To be disposed of, type of disposal not known.
Status Date 08 March 2004
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Hull Number
For their help in developing these Ship's Co. Pages
Leigh D. Allvord M Div. * 1958-1960
Richard E. Binder S3 Div. * 1974-1975
Michael Craven A Div. 1962-1965
Dave Foley "Sparrowhawk" V0 Div. * 1980-1983
Earl D. Galloway V1 Div. * 1960 - 1963
John L. Hedinger RVAH-1 * 1964-1967 OZ Div. * 1970 - 1974
Pat Little V2 Div. 1967 - 1971 OX Div. 1984 / 1985
Ron Phillips CR Div. * 1977 - 1980
Stanley Richardson RVAH-12 * 1971
Bill Sullens V1 Div. * 1959 - 1963
Steve D. West A Div. * 1976 - 1978
Cruise Books
These Cruise Books have been donated to the
Independence Memorial Library for use in developing this site
1959 Shake Down Dave Foley "Sparrow Hawk" VO Division
1961 Med Cruise Charles D. Arnold OE Division
1965 WestPac Cruise John L. Hedinger RVAH-1
1966 / 1967 Med Cruise John L. Hedinger RVAH-1
1971 / 1972 Med Cruise John Zieba VAW-122
1974 / 1975 Med Cruise Richard E. Binder S-3 Division
1977 Med Cruise Steve D. West A Division
Special Thanks Also To
Ron Phillips CR Div. * 1977 - 1980
For Upgrading My Old
Computer by Donating a
Dell Dimension 8100
Running XP professional
My Apologies
To those who have sent
their names and additional
information, that I have
not yet added.
This project has become
very large and though I
work on it almost every
day, it is impossible
for me to keep up.
I will continue to add the
names and information as
quickly as I can.
Thank You All For Your Support
George Fetherman AN
V1 blue shirt then
Rep 8 red shirt
& hot suit man
1958 - 1960
 Dave Foley
Anyone out there with information
on any of my subject matter,
feel free to send me
additions and / or corrections.
To Contact Me

If you've ever been stationed aboard the "Indy"
Ships Company, Air Group or Marine Detachment
Let me know when you were
aboard so I can add you to
"Ships Company / Air Group /
Marine Detachment Pages".
 This Page Updated 01.30.08 gwf |
Air Department
"...flight deck drag racers in yellow gear..."
V-1 Division has the vital task of handling aircraft on the flight deck.
Following recovery, aircraft must be spotted for refueling and Maintenance.
The blue shirts and yellow shirts of V-1 are continually respotting aircraft
in preparation for the next launch / recovery cycle. After launching, V-1
men must make a "ready deck" to clear for landing and another recovery evolution.
Maintaining a close vigil on all of these operations are the red shirts of the crash
and salvage crew (aka: repair 8) who must respond instantly to any emergency.
Another part of V-1's job is the operation of "Tilly" the flight deck crane,
capable of lifting any aircraft on the ship.
The teamwork and safety awareness of the men of V-1 to work amid the roar
of the flight deck is all part of getting the job done without a "crunch".
************* ENLISTED *************
Name |
Rate |
Photo |
Comments |
G. Chacon AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
G. Conway AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
D. Erickson AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
D. Fleming AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
M. Jack AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
S. Melain AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
E. Figueroa ABHAA |

1983-84 Cruise Book |
R. Frazier AA |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
R. Heauser AA |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
S. Hill ABHAA |

1983-84 Cruise Book |
S. Kent AA |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
R. Kruzinski AA |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
J. Link AA |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
K. Martin AA |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
T. Payton ABHAA |

1983-84 Cruise Book |
D. Snell AA |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
E. Haderman AA |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
John C. Nouse AN 1980 - 1984 |
* |
P. Smith AN |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
Darrell Spencer AN 1983 - 1986 |
I started as a Blue shirt in Fly 3 and
went to director. I still keep in contact
with a couple of the guys and would love
to hear from other shipmates |
K. Vandyke AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
S. Williams AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
J. Wolf AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
C. Armwood ABH3 |
1982 &83-84 Cruise Book |
P. Bogart ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
V. Brennecka ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
J. Bullion ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
F. Chapman ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
K. Christman ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
S. Dibiase ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
L. Didley ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
D. Fett ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
D. Flynn ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
Randy Francis ABH3 1980 - 1984 |
A Great Ship. |
R. Gallardo ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
T. Garroutte ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
C. Haines ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
C. Hawthorne ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
R. Hiller ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
W. Hilliment ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
D. Jayne ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
J. Jennings ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
T. Jones ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
D. Krutzig ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
D. Middleton ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
Thomas J. Mueller ASM3 1980 - 1984 |
July 1984, Reenlisted For Shore
Duty at NAS Miramar, San Diego. |
R. Robertson ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
Leslie Alan Rowe ABH3 (BuddyRowe)
Dec 1981 - Aug 1985 |
Yellow shirt on the flight deck.
One of the Fly 3 Dudes. Greatest time of my life! |
S. Williams ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
Steven L. Zenor ABHAR to ABH3 1980 -
1984 |
What a GREAT ship and a
Really Competent Crew! |
Fred Chapman ABH2 Jan 1981 - Oct 1984 |
* |
J. Cook ABH2 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
W. Davis ABH2 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
David L. Laughner ABH2 1981 - 1985 |
R. Reed ABH2 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
J. Richards ABH2 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
D. Burnett ABH1 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
A. Caldon ABH1 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
E. Ehlers ABH1 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
W. Gibson ABH1 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
J. Stokes ABH1 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
V. Woodruff ABH1 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
M.C. Bellman ABHC |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
C.M. Coleman ABHC |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
L.G. Engle ABHC |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
A. Welsh ABHC |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
************* OFFICERS *************
Name |
Rank |
Photo |
Comments |
LCDR O.P. Mason |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
LCDR J.E. Stiles |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
CWO2 D.S. Fretwell |
1983-84 Cruise Book |