V-1 Division has the vital task of handling aircraft on the flight deck.
Following recovery, aircraft must be spotted for refueling and Maintenance.
The blue shirts and yellow shirts of V-1 are continually respotting aircraft
in preparation for the next launch / recovery cycle. After launching, V-1
men must make a "ready deck" to clear for landing and another recovery evolution.
Maintaining a close vigil on all of these operations are the red shirts of the crash
and salvage crew (aka: repair 8) who must respond instantly to any emergency.
Another part of V-1's job is the operation of "Tilly" the flight deck crane,
capable of lifting any aircraft on the ship.
The teamwork and safety awareness of the men of V-1 to work amid the roar
of the flight deck is all part of getting the job done without a "crunch".
************* ENLISTED *************
Name |
Rate |
Photo |
Comments |
Christopher J Coyle AA
May 1991 - Dec 1993 |
* |
Frank Cabrera AN Jul 1991 - 1993 |
* |
Kenneth W. Denton ABHAN
Jul 1986 - Feb 1991 |

* |
David George AN Feb 1989 - Sep 1990 |
Worked in the following
I div, V-1 div, Cranking (mess duty) and ESO (Training Dept.)
Brett Gleeson AN 1991 - 1993 |
* |
Brian R Goerres AMHAN
Feb 1987 - Sep 1990 |
Fly 1 Moved To IM in 1989
Was in the top branch of the "E" In The "BYE PHILLY" After SLEP.
David James AN Jan 1990 - Aug 1992 |
Yellow Shirt
Would like to locate former friends and shipmates. |
Leroy Vance Joffre AN 1991 - 1993
* |
Michael "Keith" Montague AN 1986 - 1990 |
Fly 3 Yellow Shirt
Looking for shipmates . . . please contact me!!!!!!!! |
Earl (Tommy) King AN 1991 - 1993 |
I would like to wish all my shipmates from
blue and yellow shirt, including crash and
salvage, that it was a pleasure and nothing
but great memories, including big Bubba
during steel beach picnic, fishing over the
side, catching a fish and biting a chunk of
if and eating it raw! I know everyone
remembers bubba, right? How about the time
when Lathrop ate the mystery prize for Guns
n Roses tickets, does that ring a bell?
lol. Just want to say hello and any of you
would like to catch up on times,
send me an email: |
Kevin Olejniczak AN "O.J."
1991 - 1993 |
Looking to reconnect with
fellow V-1 shipmates. |
Harold L. Swartz AN 1990 - 1993
* |
van taylor williams AN 1986 - 1990 |
* |
Robert Buckmaster ABH3
Aug 1986 - Jan 1990 |
Attended crew training in Norfolk then
reported aboard in Philadelphia for SLEP.
Transferred before "Indy" was reassigned
to Japan. Miss the shipmates and friends
made from those days on the flight deck. |
Erik E. Langlois AK3
Dec 1988 - Jun 1992 |
* |
Johnny Panatex ABH3 1986 - 1990 |
* |
Mike Scott ABH3 1986 - 1990 |
Looking for old friends.
David McNulty ABH2 1988 - 1992 |
She was a great ship.
I had the best time of my life sailing on her. Wish I could be back
at sea right now. |