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1983-84 Silver Anniversary Cruise Book Cover
Provided by Dave "Sparrowhawk" Foley
Cruise Book Covers Click here

1984-85 Cruise Book Cover
Provided by Dave "Sparrowhawk" Foley
Cruise Book Covers Click here

 Indy Reunion Association
Denis Bagley President (click here for info)
 Ship's Store Indy Reunion Association (click here)
 USS Independence Club on Yahoo
Hosted by: Earl Langley
Michael Couture
 Darrell Morgan
Dave Foley "Sparrowhawk"
Darrell Morgan
Ron Phillips
 USS Independence
CVL-22 Reunion Group
CVS32 * CV32
Al Seguin

Patches Provided by Dave Foley "Sparrowhawk"
For their help in developing these Ship's Co. Pages
Leigh D. Allvord M Div. * 1958-1960
Richard E. Binder S3 Div. * 1974-1975
Dave Foley "Sparrowhawk" V0 Div. * 1980-1983
John L. Hedinger RVAH-1 * 1964-1967 OZ Div. * 1970-1974
Stanley Richardson RVAH-12 * 1971
Cruise Books
These Cruise Books have been donated to the
Independence Memorial Library for use in developing this site
1965 WestPac Cruise John L. Hedinger
1966 / 1967 Med Cruise John L. Hedinger
1971 / 1972 Med Cruise John Zieba
1974 / 1975 Med Cruise Richard E. Binder
Special Thanks Also To
Michael Craven A Div. 62-65
For Upgrading My Old 486/66 To A HP 200
Maybe know I can Start To Put A Dent In My
Back Log Of Names. So That I Will No
Longer Need The Apology Below.
My Apologies
To those who have Sent their names and additional
information that I have not added yet.
The project has become very large and even though I
work on it almost every day, it is impossible for me to keep up.
I will continue to add the names and information as
quickly as I can.Thank You All For Your Support
George W. Fetherman AN V1 - Rep 8, 1958 - 1960
Anyone out there with information on any of my subject matter,
feel free to send me additions and / or corrections.
To Contact Me
Anyone out there with information on any of my subject matter, feel free to
send me additions and / or corrections.
If you've ever been stationed aboard the "Indy"
Ships Company, Air Group or Marine Detachment
Let me know when you were aboard so I can add you to
"Ships Company / Air Group / Marine Detachment Pages".
 This Page Updated 02/01/04 gwf
Dave Foley "Sparrowhawk"
"Whistles, hand signals . . . yellow shirts . . . "
If you ever tripped over a tie-down chain or bumped
your head on part of an aircraft in the hanger bay
and had grim thoughts about it, chances are you
were thinking about V-3 Division.
V-3 Division provides the essential services of hanger
deck security, Integrity, and aircraft handling.
Because the hanger bay is used by all hands for
different activities, aircraft on the hanger bay are
often "respotted" to the flight deck by means of
the four deck-edge elevators operated by V-3 Division personnel.
The confines of the hanger bay demand accurate
judgement, top-notch maneuvering skill and safety
to place over 90 aircraft into a little space for maintenance and repair.
************* ENLISTED *************
Name |
Rate |
Photo |
Comments |
R. Crosby AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
M. Kirby AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
S. Parbel AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
N. Reyes AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
S. White AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
G. Winters AR |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
R. Bousquet AA |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
Kirk Conner AA May 1984 - Jan 1988 |
* |
D.E. Deuso AA |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
W. Goodman AA |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
R.D. Hughes AA |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
J.M. Promer AA |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
J. Weidman AA |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
D. Westermann AA |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
R. Amill SN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
J.J. Bley AN |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
Thomas J. Bloemeke AN 1983 - 1986 |
Some of my finest memories.
It was great seeing those names again of friends whom I served with. |
S. Casley AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
P.A. Crespo AN |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
M. Curry AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
A.P. Davis AN |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
Michael W. Faria AN 1983 - 1986 |
* |
B. Harris AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
G.S. Hier ABHAN |

1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
R. Land AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
D. Landry AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
E. Laplante AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
J. LaRoche AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
R. Leonard ABHAN |

1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
M. McDaniel ABHAN |

1983-84 Cruise Book |
T. Miles AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
J. Monteleone AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
A. Rainey AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
D. Rodgers AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
A. Rowe ABHAN |

1983-84 Cruise Book |
D. Salsbury AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
T. Selfridge AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
A. Serrano AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
A. Squires ABHAN |

1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
D. Ward AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
P. Wolfe AN |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
Dwight A Beltz ABH3 Jan 1981 - Jun 1984 |
* |
Daniel L. Blosser AB3 Jan 1981 - Jul 1984 |
* |
M. Capies ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
L. Lemley ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
T.L. Pope ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
J.A. Shane ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
Paul D. Tracy ABH3 1984 - 1988 |
* |
R.A. Williams ABH3 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
D. Zaino ABH3 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
S.J. Bogart ABH2 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
D. Dubie ABH2 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
Foley M. Hurt ABH2 1984 - 1988 |
Made Indy's only port call
to Singapore, New Years 1986 Retired April 1999 |
E. Langhans ABH2 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
R.E. Repp ABH2 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
A. DeLeon ABH1 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
J.L. Galloway ABH1 |
1982 & 83-84 Cruise Book |
B. Green ABH1 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
D. Mabrey ABH1 |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
D.R. Johnson ABCS |
1983-84 Cruise Book |
************* OFFICERS *************
Name |
Rank |
Photo |
Comments |
LT F.R. Carlson |
1983-84 Cruise Book |