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1980-81 Cruise Book Cover
Provided by Dave Foley "Sparrowhawk"

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Navy News
For their help in developing these Ship's Co. Pages
Leigh D. Allvord M Div. * 1958-1960
Richard E. Binder S3 Div. * 1974-1975
Dave Foley "Sparrowhawk" V0 Div. * 1980-1983
Earl D. Galloway V1 Div. * 1960 - 1963
John L. Hedinger RVAH-1 * 1964-1967 OZ Div. * 1970-1974
Stanley Richardson RVAH-12 * 1971
Bill Sullens V1 Div. * 1959 - 1963
Steve D. West A Div. * 1976 - 1978
Cruise Books
These Cruise Books have been donated to the
Independence Memorial Library for use in developing this site
1961 Med Cruise Charles D. Arnold OE Division
1965 WestPac Cruise John L. Hedinger RVAH-1
1966 / 1967 Med Cruise John L. Hedinger RVAH-1
1971 / 1972 Med Cruise John Zieba VAW-122
1974 / 1975 Med Cruise Richard E. Binder S-3 Division
1977 Med Cruise Steve D. West A Division
Special Thanks Also To
Michael Craven A Div. 62-65
For Upgrading My Old
486/66 To A HP 200
My Apologies
To those who have Sent their names and additional
information that I have not added yet.
The project has become very large and even though I
work on it almost every day, it is impossible for me to keep up.
I will continue to add the names and information as
quickly as I can.Thank You All For Your Support
George W. Fetherman AN V1 - Rep 8, 1958 - 1960
Anyone out there with information on any of my subject matter,
feel free to send me additions and / or corrections.
To Contact Me
Anyone out there with information on any of my subject matter, feel free to
send me additions and / or corrections.

If you've ever been stationed aboard the "Indy"
Ships Company, Air Group or Marine Detachment
Let me know when you were aboard so I can add you to
"Ships Company / Air Group / Marine Detachment Pages".
 This Page Updated 03.20.07 gwf
Dave Foley "Sparrowhawk" |
V4 Division 1980 - 1981 U.S.S. INDEPENDENCE CV62
Air Department

Patches Provided by Dave Foley "Sparrowhawk" ABH2
"Fill 'er up, purple shirt . . . ."
The V4 Division purple shirts are responsible for
fueling and defueling all aircraft on board Independence
Responsible for all JP-5 and AVGAS issues and
receipts. The Division averages 82 men assigned
to operate equipment in pump and filter rooms on
the 7th deck and the flight deck where actual
aircraft fueling and refueling is conducted.
Quality is of prime importance to V-4 so that they
can provide "clean, clear and bright" fuel to aircraft.
To do this, constant vigilance is maintained both above and below decks.
************* ENLISTED *************
Name |
Rate |
Photo |
Comments |
C.V. Boushee AR |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
C.R. Crawford AR |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
J.H. Hardimon AR |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
D.E. Howe ABFAR |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
S.M.S. Hussein AR |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
J.T. Jackson II ABFAR |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
J.B. Jenkins AR |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
K.R. Kenworthy AR |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
B.D. Marshall AR |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
R.L. McMullen ABFAR |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
R.W. Morrow AR |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
M.V. Nicholson ABFAR |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
L.A. Peterson ABFAR |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
N.T. Roush Jr. AR |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
R.W. Short AR |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
J.E. Slarb AR |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
J.R. Walls ABFAR |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
Jay Adams AA 1980 - 1983 |
Also in V-3 |
M.J. Baughman AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
N.L. Behling AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
G.J. Bowers AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
B.A. Brown ABFAA |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
D.P. Buerkling AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
B.E. Bull AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
J.G. Conrad ABFAA |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
J. Fernandez ABFAA |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
W.R. Fleming ABFAA |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
C.J. Furane ABFAA |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
G.D. Hummell ABFAA |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
D.M. Johnson AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
V.G. Kelly AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
R.A. King AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
B.M. Lollis Jr. AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
T.P. Mahoney ABFAA |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
J.M. Maloney AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
Richard J. Manley AA "Rich" 1980 - 1984 |
* |
L.R. Nye AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
E.J. Paine AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
F.L. Robets AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
B.E. Sgobbo AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
M.W. Wager AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
D.E. Wenczkowsik AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
W.A. White AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
D.S. Wilson ABFAA |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
F.C. Yeager AA |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
M.A. Asbell ABFAN |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
A.L. Barnes ABFAN |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
H.E. Bailey AN |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
T.C. Beamon AN |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
A.M. Benito ABFAN |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
C.D. Clements AN |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
Rick D. Coppinger AN 1979 - 1982 |
* |
G.W. Deweever AN |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
S.M. Frazier ABFAN |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
T.L. Gardner AN |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
R.F. Hammel AN |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
L. Harris AN |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
J.L. Hertz ABFAN |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
W.J. Hunter ABFAN |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
T.L. Mathis AN |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
A.M. Magiera ABFAN |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
T.W. McManus ABFAN |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
J.A. McDonald AN |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
C.A. Powe ABFAN |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
E.L. Rice Jr. AN |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
A.D. Rodgers ABFAN |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
Wayne Rose AN 1980 - 1982 |
On station in IO when Iran released our hostages. |
R. Rushnok AN |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
R.E. Salomon ABFAN |

1980-81 Cruise Book |
Michael O. Smith AN
August 1980 - July 1983 |
* |
Kelvin Anderson ABF3 Dec 1979 - Jul 1983 |
Trying To Contact Old Friends |
W.J. Baskins ABF3 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
R.G. Crandall ABF3 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
M.A. Durocher ABF3 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
S.J. Haswell ABF3 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
J.R. Hatfield ABF3 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
Brian Lewis ABF3 May 1980 - Jul 1985 |
* |
Marshall J. Lokken ABF3 1976 - 1980 |
* |
W.K. Muhammed ABF3 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
J.A. Pena ABF3 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
K.E. Raven ABF3 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
R.H. Robinson ABF3 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
P.W. Shaddix ABF3 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
F.N. Stranix ABF3 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
K.S. Watts ABF3 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
A.J. Hall ABF2 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
Jeff L. McMurray ABF2 1980 - 1981
* |
C.W. Modlin ABF2 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
M.J. Stephens ABF2 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
J.H. Cooper ABF1 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
N.H. Evans ABF1 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
A.B. Miller ABF1 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
Stillwagon ABF1 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
R. Wiseman ABF1 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
J.R. Yunke ABF1 |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
D.B. Dennis ABFC |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
D.P. Mrowczynski ABFC |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
************* OFFICERS *************
Name |
Rank |
Photo |
Comments |
ENS D.P. Ross |
1980-81 Cruise Book |
CWO2 C.B. Barber |
1980-81 Cruise Book |