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Cruise Book Covers Click here

1973-74 Cruise Book Cover Provided by
Dave "Sparrowhawk" Foley
Cruise Book Covers Click here

1974-75 Cruise Book
Provided by Richard Binder
Cruise Book Covers Click here

1975-76 Cruise Book Cover
Provided by Dave "Sparrowhawk" Foley

 Indy Reunion Association
Denis Bagley President (click here for info)
 Ship's Store Indy Reunion Association
(click here)
 USS Independence Club on Yahoo
Hosted by: Earl Langley
Michael Couture
 USS Independence
CVL-22 Reunion Group
CVS32 * CV32
U.S.S. LEYTE *************

Patches Provided by Dave "Sparrowhawk" Foley
For their help in developing these Ship's Co. Pages
Leigh D. Allvord M Div. * 1958-1960
Richard E. Binder S3 Div. * 1974-1975
Dave "Sparrowhawk" Foley V0 Div. * 1980-1983
John L. Hedinger RVAH-1 * 1964-1967 OZ Div. * 1970-1974
Stanley Richardson RVAH-12 * 1971
Cruise Books
These Cruise Books have been donated to the
Independence Memorial Library for use in developing this site
1965 WestPac Cruise John L. Hedinger
1966 / 1967 Med Cruise John L. Hedinger
1974 / 1975 Med Cruise Richard E. Binder
Special Thanks Also To Michael Craven A Div. 62-65
For Upgrading My Old 486/66 To A HP 200
Maybe know I can Start To Put A Dent In My
Back Log Of Names. So That I Will No
Longer Need The Apology Below.
My Apologies
To those who have Sent their names and additional
information that I have not added yet.
The project has become very large and even though I
work on it almost every day, it is impossible for me to keep up.
I will continue to add the names and information as
quickly as I can.Thank You All For Your Support
George W. Fetherman AN V1 - Rep 8, 1958 - 1960
Please Bookmark So you Can Find Your Way Back
To Contact Me
Anyone out there with information on any of my subject matter, feel free to
send me additions and / or corrections.
If you've ever been stationed aboard the "Indy"
Ships Company, Air Group or Marine Detachment
Let me know when you were aboard so I can add you to
"Ships Company / Air Group / Marine Detachment Pages".

This Page Updated 04/13/02 gwf |
(Whatever your needs, We try to oblige!)
X2 composed of the:
Print Shop, Legal Office, Admin Office,
Captain's Office, Post Office, Special
Services and Public Affairs Office.
Whether it is publishing a daily news-paper at sea,
handling request mass or a ton of incoming mail,
X2div. is men under the gun!
They provide the crew with color tv programs,
operate two radio stations at sea, print
everything from the plan of the day to
change of command programs, including
the fast changing air plan, handle your
mail from home, provide everything from
tv sets to athletic equipment and tour
tickets for your leisure hours though
the special services office.
************* ENLISTED *************
Name |
Rate |
Photo |
Comments |
R. Casimano FA |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. Henderson FA |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. Lerma AA |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
M. Murr SA |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. Paden SA |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D. Schell YNSA |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
P. Wisner JOSA |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. Baker YNSN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
J. Booker SN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
V. Brown SN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
J. Climons SN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. Conners LISN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
J. Dew SN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
N. Fletcher YNSN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. Gordon SN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
T. Jenkins SN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
B. Kiederling SN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
N. Klein SN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
M. Latorski LISN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
C. Layton YNSN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
K. Mack SN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
E. Marquez PCSN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
L. Montgomery SN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
G. Moore SN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
K. Morin SN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
S. Muller SN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
J. Quimby JOSN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
G. Rei SN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
S. Rivera-Martinez LISN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
R. Ruppel SN |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
J. Goble YN3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
E. Graham YN3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
M. Haines PC3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
J. Harris PC3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
T. Hoagland PN3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D. Hodo YN3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
M. Martin JO3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
N. Martin YN3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
John M Matuzeski PC 3 Oct 1971 - May 75 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
E. PriceYN3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
B. RushJO3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
W. Scull YN3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
C. Waldron LI3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
C. Wilson JO3 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D. Bell LI2 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
W. Britton JO2 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
C. Courter JO2 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
E. Farish JO2 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
E. Massingill PC2 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
D. San Juan PC2 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
M. Srinsky YN2 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
W. Barkdale LN1 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
L. Williams JO1 |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
H. Schaarschmidt YNCS |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
************* OFFICERS *************
Name |
Rank |
Photo |
Comments |
ENS E. Zesk Division
Officer |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
LTJG C. Matthees |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |
LCDR D. Albrecht |
74 / 75 Cruise Book |