Welcome to "INDY Reunion Association" Home Page.
We are an association of past Ships Crew, Marine Detachment and Air Group members
we have no contact with the ship it is now in South Texas to be scrapped.
Please do not ask us to locate a member of the crew.
You probably have better access then we do.
It's a brotherhood like no other and only those who serve, can
identify. You are
a member of the greatest fraternity the world has ever known.
USS Independence Legacy
"Time after time
Sailor's of the Independence
stood up for the freedom and stood down freedom's enemies.
In the Cuban Missile crisis, Indy was there.
When Iraq invaded Kuwait, you were the carrier on the scene.
You delivered our answer, up close and personal.
In peacetime and war this great ship and it's battle group
have been there as America's shield and America's sword".
President William J. Clinton
"Any man who may be asked in this century what he
did to make his life
- John F. Kennedy -
The dates of the 2018 Reunion has changed due to the
possibility of bad weather ( Officially Hurricane Season is from June 1
thru November 30th) Our reunion this year
(2018 only) has changed ,the same schedule
only the day and dates and times has changed Monday 12/03/2018
worthwhile, I think can respond with a great deal of pride and satisfaction:
served in the United States Navy."
Our purpose is to have fun and relaxation
while touring a city in America every year.
Registration starts at 1 PM
Hospitality Room open till 6 PM
Welcome Reception at 6 PM
Optional Tour
Hospitality Room open after tour
Optional Tour
Hospitality Room open after tour
INDY Association Meeting 9 AM to 10 AM
Business meeting and vote on next years reunion site
Hospitality Room open after business meeting, will close at 4:00 PM
for the
INDY Banquet at 5 PM
Bon voyage' Breakfast
Reunion open to Association members only.
Membership is $20.00 per year
See Box Below
Commissioned CVA-62 - 10 January 1959 at
Brooklyn Naval Shipyard,
Brooklyn, NY.
Redesignated CV-62 - 28 February 1973.
Decommissioned CV-62 - 30 September 1998 at
Bremerton Naval Shipyard, Bremerton, WA.
Biloxi, Mississippi
Date December 3rd thru 7th, 2018
Join The Association
(NO Dues,,,No Newsletters ,,,No Info about the Reunion)
Time is getting short - Join the association and
get 2018 Reunion information before it is to late...
2018 INDY REUNION Biloxi, Mississippi Date Dec 3-7, 2018 WEB Information Form Membership Dues $20.00 per year
Link to Form
There are three (3) ways to reach the Web Administrator with information, they are
1. email to cva62@earthlink.net
2. Use the membership form above. Be sure your email address is on it and correct, then click send.
3. Near the bottom of the first page of the site there is a link for Ship's Company, Click this link...... About halfway down is a Yellow Information Box,
fill it out and use the comments area for info you want to give to the web site, then click send.
All information must have Name, Rate, and Date when on Indy. Also correct email address.
Second party information is not used unless approved by the President of the Association
email to:
Denis Bagley, Pres.
The benefits of association membership are discounts on reunion cost
When you attend, you get to vote on next years reunion city
Phone 1-828-648-7379
(We get group rates and pass the savings to you),
Newsletters and discounted souvenirs, traveling to America's Cities.
and getting together with fellow shipmates.
Reunion Cities Norfolk, Va. July 13-16, 1989 Orlando, FL. July 12-15, 1990 Washington, DC. July 11-14,1991 Nashville, TN. July 9-12, 1992
Boston, MA. July 8-11, 1993 Las Vegas, NV. July 6-10, 1994 New Orleans, LA. July 12-16,1995 Charleston, S.C. Sept. 25-29, 1996 Chicago, IL. Aug. 27-31,1997 Baltimore, MD. July 8-12, 1998 Pensacola, FL. Sept. 29,30, Oct. 1,2,3,
1999 San Antonio, TX. Oct. 4-8, 2000 Savannah, GA. Oct. 10-14, 2001 Branson, Mo. Oct. 09-13, 2002
St. Augustine, Fl. Oct. 08-12, 2003 Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. 06-10, 2004 St. Louis, Mo. Jul. 19-23, 2006 Memphis, Tn. Oct. 03-07, 2007 Louisville, Ky. Oct. 15-19, 2008 Oklahoma City, OK., Oct. 14-18, 2009
Albuquerque, New Mexico, Sep. 15-19, 2010
San Diego, California, Oct. 12-16, 2011
Portland, Maine, Sept.
5-9, 2012
Minneapolis, Minnesota,
Sept 4-8, 2013
Norfolk, Virginia, Oct 1-5,2014
Phoenix, Arizona, Oct 14-18, 2015
Seattle, Washington, September 7-11, 2016
Buffalo, New
York, August 23-27,2017
Mississippi, December 3-7,2018
All sales from ships store are returned to Indy Reunion Assoc.
Our Association is always looking for memorabilia for our traveling Museum.
If you wish to donate please call 1-828-648-7379 or mail item to:
c/o Denis Bagley Pres.
65 Pioneer Ridge Rd.
Canton, North Carolina 28716
The donated ships items will be on display at our reunions for all members to see. Thank You...
Denis Bagley President
Denis Bagley | President | ussindycva-62@hotmail.com | ||
Mike Kasinskas | Vice President | mjkas62@snet.net | ||
Lynda Gary | Secretary. | lgrn228@aol.com | ||
Matt Skalski | MAA | mattskalski3@hotmail.com | ||
John Verstratae | Hospitality Chairperson | . | ||
Joanne Bagley | Banquet Chairperson | joanneeac@yahoo.com | ||
Pat Skalski | Banquet Chairperson | patskalski5@hotmail.com | ||
Walt Estes | Web Administrator | cva62@earthlink.net | ||
![]() Reunion Assoc. |
![]() Reunion Info. |
![]() Ship's Store |
![]() Reunion Photos |
![]() Sea Stories |
Please excuse my mess, I am updating Reunion Photos
(Not All Years Have Photos)
This Site Updated 9/14/20176 WME